Affenpinscher dog history, characteristics of the breed, price, breed information, description, personality, training, common diseases and care.

Affenpinscher Dog


Today it is difficult to say exactly how many years the affenpinscher breed has, although official documents refer us only to the 19th century. In fact, the next ancestors of these dogs are depicted in paintings by Dutch artists back in the 15th century, and this adds an additional 400 years to the official date. Dogs in the paintings have hard hair, a beard, and the same small size.

The question arises - why do artists even depict these dogs because they are not particularly remarkable? The answer to this question lies in the agility and nature of the animals. At that time, they were used mainly for hunting rodents, especially large rats, with which not even every cat could cope.

During the following centuries, up to the beginning - the middle of the 20th century, a small hard-haired pincher with a restless and rather evil temper, was a favorite pet of every grocery store owner, stable owner, or farmer in Germany and Austria. These dogs contained literally all of them. 

After all, in addition to the ability to hunt rats, a small amount of food required (the dog is small), devotion, and courage, the raffinose had another important quality - was a fine watchman. This ability of the breed still exists today. However, in those distant times, namely, in the 17th-18th century, these dogs were still larger than today. Scientists today cannot say exactly who and how made the breed more miniature.

However, it is traditionally accepted that this happened after the dogs began to start aristocrats, especially noble ladies. And, of course, they saw these small dogs exclusively as companions and wanted to make them as small as possible.

There may have been crossbreeding pugs perhaps with the now-extinct breed german silk-haired pincher, but in fact, the animals from the paintings of the 15th century are somewhat larger than almost identical in everything (except size), their descendants lived in the 17th century.

The first standard of the breed began to develop much later - only in 1902, although it was finally finalized only 11 years later, in 1913. Today, the breed of affenpinscher in many developed countries is considered quite rare. By the way, often literally means "monkey" in German. Which, let's be frank, partly reflects the nature of the breed.

 Characteristics of the breed

popularity                                           02/10  

training                                                07/10

size                                                        02/10

mind                                                     07/10

protection                                          08/10

Relationships with children         10/10

dexterity                                             04/10


Breed information


Germany, France


11-14 years old


Males: 23-30
cm Bitches: 23-30 cm


Males: 3-6
kg Suki: 3-6 kg




black, brown, black with red tan, blue, red


300 - 500 $


Affenpinscher is a small, slender dog. The physique is robust, the limbs are short, muscular, proportional to the body. The eyes are round, convex, and dark. Ears are triangular, folded in half, the muzzle flattened, with a "beard", the tail is short. The coat is usually black, but it can also be silver, brown, black with red, and red. The dog may have a white spot on the chest.



Affenpinscher is a small dog, but very temperamental. These animals have an inexhaustible supply of energy, anger, and various surprises, both pleasant and not very. Of course, small sizes make this breed not very dangerous for an adult. That is if the dog on the street catastrophically does not like any stranger and she decides to bite his leg, it is certainly unpleasant, but not deadly.

That is, such a side of the personality of the affenpinscher, like bullying and irreconcilable character, can even serve you well, and although this dog needs constant hedgehog mitts, he is not able to cause serious harm to a person. but! Only an adult, because with children everything is much more serious.

Dog breed affenpinscher does not like children, and this is one of those unpleasant surprises. Or rather, another one. And if you have young children, you better pick up another breed as these dogs will not tolerate, and immediately try to frighten or bite. Moreover, children under 4-5 years of age do not like them especially, as they create a lot of noise and, as a rule, do not know how to behave with animals.

In relation to strangers, the affenpinscher does not maintain neutrality - he by default retains the opposition, sometimes quite rigid and irreconcilable. Moreover, if the dog is too out of its way, she will not be able to calm down quickly, it takes some time. That is, inviting home friends, be prepared that your pet will arrange a small, local war for 15-20 minutes. Then everything should come back to normal, however, you yourself should not indulge such a temper of the animal.

As you may have already understood, this breed is in dire need of early socialization, it is simply necessary. In addition, you have to constantly monitor the behavior of the dog, otherwise, it will quickly begin to get out of control. In fact, it is a secret to success in interaction with the affenpinscher - constant control of behavior and rigor, when necessary, give a positive result.

In the circle of his family, the pet is usually playful, affectionate, and often behaves very funny. It should not be allowed to run without a leash if there are other animals or people nearby, because the affenpinscher may well come into the battle with another dog, which will be 10 times heavier than him. The outcome of the battle is obvious.

If you have a private house, make sure that there were no holes in the fence, and the fence itself was at least one and a half meters high. Affen is a fine watchman, loud and restless. Despite the love for different types of activity, this breed can spend most of the day at home, even if you will be given only 10-15 minutes for a walk, it will not be critical.



Education, upbringing, and once again education - this is the best form in order to achieve success in shaping the behavior of the breed affenpinscher. In addition, you can devote time and training, especially as the dog necessarily needs to train basic teams. There's no way without it. Particular attention is paid to cancellation teams, as you often have to stop the animal in different situations.

In the process of training, you need to maintain a positive attitude, be patient, and have enough goodies in your pockets, in addition, you need to maintain strictness, but do not overreact. It is necessary to start education and training at a very early age, no later than six months, and if training at some point can be completed, the education and formation of the behavior will continue until old age.



Breed dogs affenpinscher needs regular combing of wool, about 1-2 times a week. Some owners trim their pets or lead them to the groomer, ears need to be cleaned 2-3 times a week, eyes clean daily. You need to bathe the dog at least once a week, or more often. The claws are usually trimmed three times a month.


Common diseases

Affenpinscher is a breed that has a penchant for certain diseases, like most other breeds. Among them:

  • local dislocation of the kneecap;
  • Legg-Perthes disease;
  • hip dysplasia - a disease that can be obtained as a result of too much activity, jumping or falls on slippery floors, which is relevant in the case of affenpinscher;
  • hearty noises.


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