Great Dane, price, breed, description, personality, diseases and care.


Great Dane (Canary Dog) History In the Canary Islands, from time immemorial, there have been tribes of aborigines - the Guanche Indians, who for several millennia of their history have formed certain customs, cultures, and beliefs. An integral part of the culture of these Indians is the dog - a breed of Presa Canario, which today we know as the Canary Dog, or Canarian mastiff.  At first glance, it is clear that these animals belong to molasses, but it remains unclear exactly how they got to the islands, as well as how long ago this happened. However, it is absolutely known about the role of these animals in the life of the Indians.  As can be seen from various archaeological finds, dogs took part in various religious rites, where they were assigned a certain role. In addition, often the animal was buried together with its owner, and there are popular opinions that the Canary Dog, according to the beliefs of the Indians, could serve as a guide to the other world, and protected the owner in this afterlife journey.  Another role that dogs played was hunting. Due to its size and strength, as well as innate aggression and fearlessness, the Canary Dog is able to hunt a large beast, and therefore he significantly helped the Indians in this matter. That is, in addition to some supernatural properties, the Indians considered dogs as a working, universal breed that can, if necessary, be a watchman, help in hunting or in clashes between tribes, and even drag a small cart.  However, this does not explain why the Indians ate their dogs. And the fact that this is exactly what happened, that's for sure. After the islands were conquered, the lives of the Indians and their dogs are often mentioned in official documents. The first such mention refers to 1501. European settlers often used the Great Dane to protect herds of livestock from attack by wild dogs and other predators.  Due to the peculiarities of the character, for a long time, there was a ban on the ownership of dogs of this breed - on the islands, only hunters and farmers were allowed to have them. They were also used in dog fights – such bloody entertainment was very popular on the islands until the middle of the 20th century, when, after prohibitions and the struggle of the authorities, the underground fighting was still stopped. Gradually, dogs began to spread in Europe and America, receiving official recognition in various canine organizations. Today, the Great Dane canary breed is considered rare.     Characteristics of the breed  popularity                                                           01/10 training                                                                03/10 size                                                                        08/10 mind                                                                     06/10 protection                                                          09/10 Relationships with children                         02/10 Dexterity                                                             07/10 Molting                                                                01/10           Breed Information Country  Canary Islands, Spain  Lifetime  8-12 years  Height  Males: 58 – 66 cm Females: 56 – 64 cm  Weight  Males: 45 – 64 kg Females: 39 – 54 kg  Length of coat  short  Color  brown, gray, fawn, bronze  Price  850 - 3500 $    Description The Canary Dog has a large size, massive, strong, muscular physique. The limbs are slightly shorter than average, with pronounced musculature. The head is massive and square in shape, covered with flabby skin, which gives it a wrinkled appearance. The snout is short, strong, and broad, with a black nose. The eyes are medium-sized, oval in shape, and dark brown in color. The ears are medium-sized, raised in the shape of a rose petal, or maybe slightly lowered (may be stopped). The thorax is voluminous and wide, and the coat is short. The tail is of medium length. The color can be brown, gray, or striped. The Great Dane can have white spots on the neck and chest.     Personality The Great Dane is an ambiguous breed that can cause serious damage to an animal or a person, and, at the same time, can be a wonderful friend and companion for its owner and his family. These dogs have internal aggression and can be ruthless in combat. There are even several judicial precedents when the Great Dane, with connivance, and sometimes with the indulgence of the owners, caused serious injuries to people.  Moreover, there are judicial precedents when the victim died, and the owner was sent to prison for many years. We have given these examples not to dissuade you from buying this dog, but so that you understand the full responsibility for the development of your pet's personality. After the moment of purchase, only you are responsible for what kind of disposition your dog will have. It is naïve to believe that if you do not engage in education, and ignore the recommendations of dog breeders and specialists, as well as ours, then everything will be perfect by itself.  First, you need to take care of the early socialization of your pet to make the character as open, harmonious, and flexible as possible. People, animals, situations, new sounds, and smells - all this is beneficial. Also, you will be required to constantly correct behavior, so to speak, education on the go. Also, don't forget to muzzle in crowded places, and use a leash if possible. In relationships within the family, the Canary Dog can rarely show negativity or, especially, aggression, usually, these qualities are manifested in relation to strangers or other dogs.  If you have children, remember that it is better not to leave them alone with the animal for a long time. Even if the dog does not want to harm the child, only because of its size it can accidentally knock him down. The Canary Dog needs daily physical exertion, and exercise walking. His large body will quickly begin to overgrow with fat if you do not maintain the necessary level of physical activity.  The dog can sometimes show stubbornness or want to act in his own way, but in general, he understands the owner well and, with proper upbringing, behaves obediently. Another issue is that with strong excitement or anger, only commands and cries the dog will be difficult to stop, because at such moments if you foresee danger, it is better to take the animal on a leash. They can perform guard functions if they need to protect their family and owner - the dog will not hesitate to give his life for them.     Teaching As we said above, basically, education will be reduced to the daily formation of the right behavior. In fact, over time, the dog just learns to behave as it should, do not think that the Dog of the Canarian breed is an eternal headache. It's not that. The pet must be taught basic commands, and achieve their unquestioning implementation, through a gradual increase in distractions.  During the training process, you need to maintain patience, dedication, and consistency, you do not need to lose your temper over trifles, it is better to show a positive attitude that will be transmitted to the dog. Also, so that the training does not look monotonous, you can alternate the execution of commands with any physical exercises.     Care The Great Dane breed has a short coat that needs combing 1 time per week, and this will be enough. The claws are usually trimmed 3 times a month, the ears are cleaned 3 times a week, and the eyes are cleaned daily. Bathe the dog at least 1 week.     Common diseases The Great Dane is a powerful breed, characterized by good health, but there are still some problems. These include:  hip dysplasia; dislocation of the patella; eye problems - due to sagging of the skin around the eyes in adulthood, dust particles and dirt get there, which can cause irritation and various infections.

Great Dane (Canary Dog)


In the Canary Islands, from time immemorial, there have been tribes of aborigines - the Guanche Indians, who for several millennia of their history have formed certain customs, cultures, and beliefs. An integral part of the culture of these Indians is the dog - a breed of Presa Canario, which today we know as the Canary Dog, or Canarian mastiff.

At first glance, it is clear that these animals belong to molasses, but it remains unclear exactly how they got to the islands, as well as how long ago this happened. However, it is absolutely known about the role of these animals in the life of the Indians.

As can be seen from various archaeological finds, dogs took part in various religious rites, where they were assigned a certain role. In addition, often the animal was buried together with its owner, and there are popular opinions that the Canary Dog, according to the beliefs of the Indians, could serve as a guide to the other world, and protected the owner in this afterlife journey.

Another role that dogs played was hunting. Due to its size and strength, as well as innate aggression and fearlessness, the Canary Dog is able to hunt a large beast, and therefore he significantly helped the Indians in this matter. That is, in addition to some supernatural properties, the Indians considered dogs as a working, universal breed that can, if necessary, be a watchman, help in hunting or in clashes between tribes, and even drag a small cart.

However, this does not explain why the Indians ate their dogs. And the fact that this is exactly what happened, that's for sure. After the islands were conquered, the lives of the Indians and their dogs are often mentioned in official documents. The first such mention refers to 1501. European settlers often used the Great Dane to protect herds of livestock from attack by wild dogs and other predators.

Due to the peculiarities of the character, for a long time, there was a ban on the ownership of dogs of this breed - on the islands, only hunters and farmers were allowed to have them. They were also used in dog fights – such bloody entertainment was very popular on the islands until the middle of the 20th century, when, after prohibitions and the struggle of the authorities, the underground fighting was still stopped. Gradually, dogs began to spread in Europe and America, receiving official recognition in various canine organizations. Today, the Great Dane canary breed is considered rare.


Great Dane (Canary Dog) History In the Canary Islands, from time immemorial, there have been tribes of aborigines - the Guanche Indians, who for several millennia of their history have formed certain customs, cultures, and beliefs. An integral part of the culture of these Indians is the dog - a breed of Presa Canario, which today we know as the Canary Dog, or Canarian mastiff.  At first glance, it is clear that these animals belong to molasses, but it remains unclear exactly how they got to the islands, as well as how long ago this happened. However, it is absolutely known about the role of these animals in the life of the Indians.  As can be seen from various archaeological finds, dogs took part in various religious rites, where they were assigned a certain role. In addition, often the animal was buried together with its owner, and there are popular opinions that the Canary Dog, according to the beliefs of the Indians, could serve as a guide to the other world, and protected the owner in this afterlife journey.  Another role that dogs played was hunting. Due to its size and strength, as well as innate aggression and fearlessness, the Canary Dog is able to hunt a large beast, and therefore he significantly helped the Indians in this matter. That is, in addition to some supernatural properties, the Indians considered dogs as a working, universal breed that can, if necessary, be a watchman, help in hunting or in clashes between tribes, and even drag a small cart.  However, this does not explain why the Indians ate their dogs. And the fact that this is exactly what happened, that's for sure. After the islands were conquered, the lives of the Indians and their dogs are often mentioned in official documents. The first such mention refers to 1501. European settlers often used the Great Dane to protect herds of livestock from attack by wild dogs and other predators.  Due to the peculiarities of the character, for a long time, there was a ban on the ownership of dogs of this breed - on the islands, only hunters and farmers were allowed to have them. They were also used in dog fights – such bloody entertainment was very popular on the islands until the middle of the 20th century, when, after prohibitions and the struggle of the authorities, the underground fighting was still stopped. Gradually, dogs began to spread in Europe and America, receiving official recognition in various canine organizations. Today, the Great Dane canary breed is considered rare.     Characteristics of the breed  popularity                                                           01/10 training                                                                03/10 size                                                                        08/10 mind                                                                     06/10 protection                                                          09/10 Relationships with children                         02/10 Dexterity                                                             07/10 Molting                                                                01/10           Breed Information Country  Canary Islands, Spain  Lifetime  8-12 years  Height  Males: 58 – 66 cm Females: 56 – 64 cm  Weight  Males: 45 – 64 kg Females: 39 – 54 kg  Length of coat  short  Color  brown, gray, fawn, bronze  Price  850 - 3500 $    Description The Canary Dog has a large size, massive, strong, muscular physique. The limbs are slightly shorter than average, with pronounced musculature. The head is massive and square in shape, covered with flabby skin, which gives it a wrinkled appearance. The snout is short, strong, and broad, with a black nose. The eyes are medium-sized, oval in shape, and dark brown in color. The ears are medium-sized, raised in the shape of a rose petal, or maybe slightly lowered (may be stopped). The thorax is voluminous and wide, and the coat is short. The tail is of medium length. The color can be brown, gray, or striped. The Great Dane can have white spots on the neck and chest.     Personality The Great Dane is an ambiguous breed that can cause serious damage to an animal or a person, and, at the same time, can be a wonderful friend and companion for its owner and his family. These dogs have internal aggression and can be ruthless in combat. There are even several judicial precedents when the Great Dane, with connivance, and sometimes with the indulgence of the owners, caused serious injuries to people.  Moreover, there are judicial precedents when the victim died, and the owner was sent to prison for many years. We have given these examples not to dissuade you from buying this dog, but so that you understand the full responsibility for the development of your pet's personality. After the moment of purchase, only you are responsible for what kind of disposition your dog will have. It is naïve to believe that if you do not engage in education, and ignore the recommendations of dog breeders and specialists, as well as ours, then everything will be perfect by itself.  First, you need to take care of the early socialization of your pet to make the character as open, harmonious, and flexible as possible. People, animals, situations, new sounds, and smells - all this is beneficial. Also, you will be required to constantly correct behavior, so to speak, education on the go. Also, don't forget to muzzle in crowded places, and use a leash if possible. In relationships within the family, the Canary Dog can rarely show negativity or, especially, aggression, usually, these qualities are manifested in relation to strangers or other dogs.  If you have children, remember that it is better not to leave them alone with the animal for a long time. Even if the dog does not want to harm the child, only because of its size it can accidentally knock him down. The Canary Dog needs daily physical exertion, and exercise walking. His large body will quickly begin to overgrow with fat if you do not maintain the necessary level of physical activity.  The dog can sometimes show stubbornness or want to act in his own way, but in general, he understands the owner well and, with proper upbringing, behaves obediently. Another issue is that with strong excitement or anger, only commands and cries the dog will be difficult to stop, because at such moments if you foresee danger, it is better to take the animal on a leash. They can perform guard functions if they need to protect their family and owner - the dog will not hesitate to give his life for them.     Teaching As we said above, basically, education will be reduced to the daily formation of the right behavior. In fact, over time, the dog just learns to behave as it should, do not think that the Dog of the Canarian breed is an eternal headache. It's not that. The pet must be taught basic commands, and achieve their unquestioning implementation, through a gradual increase in distractions.  During the training process, you need to maintain patience, dedication, and consistency, you do not need to lose your temper over trifles, it is better to show a positive attitude that will be transmitted to the dog. Also, so that the training does not look monotonous, you can alternate the execution of commands with any physical exercises.     Care The Great Dane breed has a short coat that needs combing 1 time per week, and this will be enough. The claws are usually trimmed 3 times a month, the ears are cleaned 3 times a week, and the eyes are cleaned daily. Bathe the dog at least 1 week.     Common diseases The Great Dane is a powerful breed, characterized by good health, but there are still some problems. These include:  hip dysplasia; dislocation of the patella; eye problems - due to sagging of the skin around the eyes in adulthood, dust particles and dirt get there, which can cause irritation and various infections.

Characteristics of the breed

popularity                                                           01/10
training                                                                03/10
size                                                                        08/10
mind                                                                     06/10
protection                                                          09/10
Relationships with children                         02/10
Dexterity                                                             07/10
Molting                                                                01/10

Breed Information


Canary Islands, Spain


8-12 years


Males: 58 – 66 cm
Females: 56 – 64 cm


Males: 45 – 64 kg
Females: 39 – 54 kg

Length of coat



brown, gray, fawn, bronze


850 - 3500 $

Great Dane (Canary Dog) History In the Canary Islands, from time immemorial, there have been tribes of aborigines - the Guanche Indians, who for several millennia of their history have formed certain customs, cultures, and beliefs. An integral part of the culture of these Indians is the dog - a breed of Presa Canario, which today we know as the Canary Dog, or Canarian mastiff.  At first glance, it is clear that these animals belong to molasses, but it remains unclear exactly how they got to the islands, as well as how long ago this happened. However, it is absolutely known about the role of these animals in the life of the Indians.  As can be seen from various archaeological finds, dogs took part in various religious rites, where they were assigned a certain role. In addition, often the animal was buried together with its owner, and there are popular opinions that the Canary Dog, according to the beliefs of the Indians, could serve as a guide to the other world, and protected the owner in this afterlife journey.  Another role that dogs played was hunting. Due to its size and strength, as well as innate aggression and fearlessness, the Canary Dog is able to hunt a large beast, and therefore he significantly helped the Indians in this matter. That is, in addition to some supernatural properties, the Indians considered dogs as a working, universal breed that can, if necessary, be a watchman, help in hunting or in clashes between tribes, and even drag a small cart.  However, this does not explain why the Indians ate their dogs. And the fact that this is exactly what happened, that's for sure. After the islands were conquered, the lives of the Indians and their dogs are often mentioned in official documents. The first such mention refers to 1501. European settlers often used the Great Dane to protect herds of livestock from attack by wild dogs and other predators.  Due to the peculiarities of the character, for a long time, there was a ban on the ownership of dogs of this breed - on the islands, only hunters and farmers were allowed to have them. They were also used in dog fights – such bloody entertainment was very popular on the islands until the middle of the 20th century, when, after prohibitions and the struggle of the authorities, the underground fighting was still stopped. Gradually, dogs began to spread in Europe and America, receiving official recognition in various canine organizations. Today, the Great Dane canary breed is considered rare.     Characteristics of the breed  popularity                                                           01/10 training                                                                03/10 size                                                                        08/10 mind                                                                     06/10 protection                                                          09/10 Relationships with children                         02/10 Dexterity                                                             07/10 Molting                                                                01/10           Breed Information Country  Canary Islands, Spain  Lifetime  8-12 years  Height  Males: 58 – 66 cm Females: 56 – 64 cm  Weight  Males: 45 – 64 kg Females: 39 – 54 kg  Length of coat  short  Color  brown, gray, fawn, bronze  Price  850 - 3500 $    Description The Canary Dog has a large size, massive, strong, muscular physique. The limbs are slightly shorter than average, with pronounced musculature. The head is massive and square in shape, covered with flabby skin, which gives it a wrinkled appearance. The snout is short, strong, and broad, with a black nose. The eyes are medium-sized, oval in shape, and dark brown in color. The ears are medium-sized, raised in the shape of a rose petal, or maybe slightly lowered (may be stopped). The thorax is voluminous and wide, and the coat is short. The tail is of medium length. The color can be brown, gray, or striped. The Great Dane can have white spots on the neck and chest.     Personality The Great Dane is an ambiguous breed that can cause serious damage to an animal or a person, and, at the same time, can be a wonderful friend and companion for its owner and his family. These dogs have internal aggression and can be ruthless in combat. There are even several judicial precedents when the Great Dane, with connivance, and sometimes with the indulgence of the owners, caused serious injuries to people.  Moreover, there are judicial precedents when the victim died, and the owner was sent to prison for many years. We have given these examples not to dissuade you from buying this dog, but so that you understand the full responsibility for the development of your pet's personality. After the moment of purchase, only you are responsible for what kind of disposition your dog will have. It is naïve to believe that if you do not engage in education, and ignore the recommendations of dog breeders and specialists, as well as ours, then everything will be perfect by itself.  First, you need to take care of the early socialization of your pet to make the character as open, harmonious, and flexible as possible. People, animals, situations, new sounds, and smells - all this is beneficial. Also, you will be required to constantly correct behavior, so to speak, education on the go. Also, don't forget to muzzle in crowded places, and use a leash if possible. In relationships within the family, the Canary Dog can rarely show negativity or, especially, aggression, usually, these qualities are manifested in relation to strangers or other dogs.  If you have children, remember that it is better not to leave them alone with the animal for a long time. Even if the dog does not want to harm the child, only because of its size it can accidentally knock him down. The Canary Dog needs daily physical exertion, and exercise walking. His large body will quickly begin to overgrow with fat if you do not maintain the necessary level of physical activity.  The dog can sometimes show stubbornness or want to act in his own way, but in general, he understands the owner well and, with proper upbringing, behaves obediently. Another issue is that with strong excitement or anger, only commands and cries the dog will be difficult to stop, because at such moments if you foresee danger, it is better to take the animal on a leash. They can perform guard functions if they need to protect their family and owner - the dog will not hesitate to give his life for them.     Teaching As we said above, basically, education will be reduced to the daily formation of the right behavior. In fact, over time, the dog just learns to behave as it should, do not think that the Dog of the Canarian breed is an eternal headache. It's not that. The pet must be taught basic commands, and achieve their unquestioning implementation, through a gradual increase in distractions.  During the training process, you need to maintain patience, dedication, and consistency, you do not need to lose your temper over trifles, it is better to show a positive attitude that will be transmitted to the dog. Also, so that the training does not look monotonous, you can alternate the execution of commands with any physical exercises.     Care The Great Dane breed has a short coat that needs combing 1 time per week, and this will be enough. The claws are usually trimmed 3 times a month, the ears are cleaned 3 times a week, and the eyes are cleaned daily. Bathe the dog at least 1 week.     Common diseases The Great Dane is a powerful breed, characterized by good health, but there are still some problems. These include:  hip dysplasia; dislocation of the patella; eye problems - due to sagging of the skin around the eyes in adulthood, dust particles and dirt get there, which can cause irritation and various infections.


The Canary Dog has a large size, massive, strong, muscular physique. The limbs are slightly shorter than average, with pronounced musculature. The head is massive and square in shape, covered with flabby skin, which gives it a wrinkled appearance. The snout is short, strong, and broad, with a black nose. The eyes are medium-sized, oval in shape, and dark brown in color. The ears are medium-sized, raised in the shape of a rose petal, or maybe slightly lowered (may be stopped). The thorax is voluminous and wide, and the coat is short. The tail is of medium length. The color can be brown, gray, or striped. The Great Dane can have white spots on the neck and chest.


Great Dane (Canary Dog) History In the Canary Islands, from time immemorial, there have been tribes of aborigines - the Guanche Indians, who for several millennia of their history have formed certain customs, cultures, and beliefs. An integral part of the culture of these Indians is the dog - a breed of Presa Canario, which today we know as the Canary Dog, or Canarian mastiff.  At first glance, it is clear that these animals belong to molasses, but it remains unclear exactly how they got to the islands, as well as how long ago this happened. However, it is absolutely known about the role of these animals in the life of the Indians.  As can be seen from various archaeological finds, dogs took part in various religious rites, where they were assigned a certain role. In addition, often the animal was buried together with its owner, and there are popular opinions that the Canary Dog, according to the beliefs of the Indians, could serve as a guide to the other world, and protected the owner in this afterlife journey.  Another role that dogs played was hunting. Due to its size and strength, as well as innate aggression and fearlessness, the Canary Dog is able to hunt a large beast, and therefore he significantly helped the Indians in this matter. That is, in addition to some supernatural properties, the Indians considered dogs as a working, universal breed that can, if necessary, be a watchman, help in hunting or in clashes between tribes, and even drag a small cart.  However, this does not explain why the Indians ate their dogs. And the fact that this is exactly what happened, that's for sure. After the islands were conquered, the lives of the Indians and their dogs are often mentioned in official documents. The first such mention refers to 1501. European settlers often used the Great Dane to protect herds of livestock from attack by wild dogs and other predators.  Due to the peculiarities of the character, for a long time, there was a ban on the ownership of dogs of this breed - on the islands, only hunters and farmers were allowed to have them. They were also used in dog fights – such bloody entertainment was very popular on the islands until the middle of the 20th century, when, after prohibitions and the struggle of the authorities, the underground fighting was still stopped. Gradually, dogs began to spread in Europe and America, receiving official recognition in various canine organizations. Today, the Great Dane canary breed is considered rare.     Characteristics of the breed  popularity                                                           01/10 training                                                                03/10 size                                                                        08/10 mind                                                                     06/10 protection                                                          09/10 Relationships with children                         02/10 Dexterity                                                             07/10 Molting                                                                01/10           Breed Information Country  Canary Islands, Spain  Lifetime  8-12 years  Height  Males: 58 – 66 cm Females: 56 – 64 cm  Weight  Males: 45 – 64 kg Females: 39 – 54 kg  Length of coat  short  Color  brown, gray, fawn, bronze  Price  850 - 3500 $    Description The Canary Dog has a large size, massive, strong, muscular physique. The limbs are slightly shorter than average, with pronounced musculature. The head is massive and square in shape, covered with flabby skin, which gives it a wrinkled appearance. The snout is short, strong, and broad, with a black nose. The eyes are medium-sized, oval in shape, and dark brown in color. The ears are medium-sized, raised in the shape of a rose petal, or maybe slightly lowered (may be stopped). The thorax is voluminous and wide, and the coat is short. The tail is of medium length. The color can be brown, gray, or striped. The Great Dane can have white spots on the neck and chest.     Personality The Great Dane is an ambiguous breed that can cause serious damage to an animal or a person, and, at the same time, can be a wonderful friend and companion for its owner and his family. These dogs have internal aggression and can be ruthless in combat. There are even several judicial precedents when the Great Dane, with connivance, and sometimes with the indulgence of the owners, caused serious injuries to people.  Moreover, there are judicial precedents when the victim died, and the owner was sent to prison for many years. We have given these examples not to dissuade you from buying this dog, but so that you understand the full responsibility for the development of your pet's personality. After the moment of purchase, only you are responsible for what kind of disposition your dog will have. It is naïve to believe that if you do not engage in education, and ignore the recommendations of dog breeders and specialists, as well as ours, then everything will be perfect by itself.  First, you need to take care of the early socialization of your pet to make the character as open, harmonious, and flexible as possible. People, animals, situations, new sounds, and smells - all this is beneficial. Also, you will be required to constantly correct behavior, so to speak, education on the go. Also, don't forget to muzzle in crowded places, and use a leash if possible. In relationships within the family, the Canary Dog can rarely show negativity or, especially, aggression, usually, these qualities are manifested in relation to strangers or other dogs.  If you have children, remember that it is better not to leave them alone with the animal for a long time. Even if the dog does not want to harm the child, only because of its size it can accidentally knock him down. The Canary Dog needs daily physical exertion, and exercise walking. His large body will quickly begin to overgrow with fat if you do not maintain the necessary level of physical activity.  The dog can sometimes show stubbornness or want to act in his own way, but in general, he understands the owner well and, with proper upbringing, behaves obediently. Another issue is that with strong excitement or anger, only commands and cries the dog will be difficult to stop, because at such moments if you foresee danger, it is better to take the animal on a leash. They can perform guard functions if they need to protect their family and owner - the dog will not hesitate to give his life for them.     Teaching As we said above, basically, education will be reduced to the daily formation of the right behavior. In fact, over time, the dog just learns to behave as it should, do not think that the Dog of the Canarian breed is an eternal headache. It's not that. The pet must be taught basic commands, and achieve their unquestioning implementation, through a gradual increase in distractions.  During the training process, you need to maintain patience, dedication, and consistency, you do not need to lose your temper over trifles, it is better to show a positive attitude that will be transmitted to the dog. Also, so that the training does not look monotonous, you can alternate the execution of commands with any physical exercises.     Care The Great Dane breed has a short coat that needs combing 1 time per week, and this will be enough. The claws are usually trimmed 3 times a month, the ears are cleaned 3 times a week, and the eyes are cleaned daily. Bathe the dog at least 1 week.     Common diseases The Great Dane is a powerful breed, characterized by good health, but there are still some problems. These include:  hip dysplasia; dislocation of the patella; eye problems - due to sagging of the skin around the eyes in adulthood, dust particles and dirt get there, which can cause irritation and various infections.


The Great Dane is an ambiguous breed that can cause serious damage to an animal or a person, and, at the same time, can be a wonderful friend and companion for its owner and his family. These dogs have internal aggression and can be ruthless in combat. There are even several judicial precedents when the Great Dane, with connivance, and sometimes with the indulgence of the owners, caused serious injuries to people.

Moreover, there are judicial precedents when the victim died, and the owner was sent to prison for many years. We have given these examples not to dissuade you from buying this dog, but so that you understand the full responsibility for the development of your pet's personality. After the moment of purchase, only you are responsible for what kind of disposition your dog will have. It is naïve to believe that if you do not engage in education, and ignore the recommendations of dog breeders and specialists, as well as ours, then everything will be perfect by itself.

First, you need to take care of the early socialization of your pet to make the character as open, harmonious, and flexible as possible. People, animals, situations, new sounds, and smells - all this is beneficial. Also, you will be required to constantly correct behavior, so to speak, education on the go. Also, don't forget to muzzle in crowded places, and use a leash if possible. In relationships within the family, the Canary Dog can rarely show negativity or, especially, aggression, usually, these qualities are manifested in relation to strangers or other dogs.

If you have children, remember that it is better not to leave them alone with the animal for a long time. Even if the dog does not want to harm the child, only because of its size it can accidentally knock him down. The Canary Dog needs daily physical exertion, and exercise walking. His large body will quickly begin to overgrow with fat if you do not maintain the necessary level of physical activity.

The dog can sometimes show stubbornness or want to act in his own way, but in general, he understands the owner well and, with proper upbringing, behaves obediently. Another issue is that with strong excitement or anger, only commands and cries the dog will be difficult to stop, because at such moments if you foresee danger, it is better to take the animal on a leash. They can perform guard functions if they need to protect their family and owner - the dog will not hesitate to give his life for them.



As we said above, basically, education will be reduced to the daily formation of the right behavior. In fact, over time, the dog just learns to behave as it should, do not think that the Dog of the Canarian breed is an eternal headache. It's not that. The pet must be taught basic commands, and achieve their unquestioning implementation, through a gradual increase in distractions.

During the training process, you need to maintain patience, dedication, and consistency, you do not need to lose your temper over trifles, it is better to show a positive attitude that will be transmitted to the dog. Also, so that the training does not look monotonous, you can alternate the execution of commands with any physical exercises.



The Great Dane breed has a short coat that needs combing 1 time per week, and this will be enough. The claws are usually trimmed 3 times a month, the ears are cleaned 3 times a week, and the eyes are cleaned daily. Bathe the dog at least 1 week.


Common diseases

The Great Dane is a powerful breed, characterized by good health, but there are still some problems. These include:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • dislocation of the patella;
  • eye problems - due to sagging of the skin around the eyes in adulthood, dust particles and dirt get there, which can cause irritation and various infections.

Beautiful Pictures of Great Dane 

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