How to deal with a puppy with a dog in heat

At about 6 months of age, your puppy will begin to develop from a teenager to a young dog. This can be accompanied by a change in shape, as the growth processes slow down and the trunk becomes wider. The clumsy puppies with long legs will evolve into more proportional dogs over the next six months.

Bad behavior

It is at this time that male puppies will begin to pay attention to dogs of the opposite sex, albeit in a somewhat strange way. For some dogs, pillows, furnishings, and even the owner's legs allow for the natural instinct and urge to cover the bitch that is so natural for this age. This behavior can be annoying and annoying, but it usually goes away after a couple of months, but in some dogs, it can persist longer. Sterilization is a good solution to this problem in most cases. This routine surgery involves removing the testes, the main source of hormones that cause this behavior.

Changing habits

You may also notice that as it gets older, your pet will start to raise its paw when urinating. This is normal, but some dogs may start marking territory and objects in the house in the same way. In addition, males "at a transitional age" may show aggression towards other males. Again, most of these problems are resolved by castration, and many owners castrate their pets around 6 months of age before such difficulties arise. 

Defensive behavior

Some young dogs may start to defend things that they consider their property - your home or garden, a favorite toy, or even your family members. While it's nice to know that your dog is willing to defend your home and your family, this defensive behavior can become a problem if the dog becomes aggressive. If your dog growls when you approach him while eating or playing with your favorite toy, it is worth paying attention to this, as such warning signs may indicate that the territorial instinct has developed too well. There are a number of behavioral interventions that can help with these dogs, and your veterinarian can give you advice or refer you to an animal behavior specialist. Territorial aggression is also often corrected through sterilization.

True love

One type of behavior will only appear from time to time. If there is a bitch in heat in your area, your pet may refuse food, become sad and lethargic - or restless and tend to wander. Males often make attempts to run away from home and find an object of adoration. This can lead to the dog being lost or injured in a car accident. Your attention and tenderness will help him get through this difficult time. Of course, like adolescents, some puppies can be called "difficult", but most animals go through adolescence without serious mental damage.

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