Dogs Puppy Food

Dog’s Puppy Food

How to cook dog’s puppy food correctly?

In order to prepare delicious and nutritious food for your doggie from natural food, we need meat, vegetables, and cereals. Best of all is to buy fresh beef or veal.

Best Dog Eating Food

A more economical option is the use of a bone skeleton, fish ridges, and heads, or broth set. First of all, you need to properly boil the meat/fish broth. It is cooked in a saucepan covered with a lid. Water should be slightly salted. The meat must be cooked until it stops bleeding. The finished meat is taken out and cut into portioned pieces. The sliced ​​meat is laid in the finished soup along with fat immediately before feeding. Then add vegetables to the boiling broth - potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage. No need to chop vegetables too finely. The pieces should be large enough so that the dog strains the jaw and chews the food thoroughly. Remember that chewing movements massage the dog's gums and strengthen the teeth. 15 minutes later after the vegetables, lay the cereal. Hardly digestible cereals should be put in boiling water with meat and cook all the time while the meat is being cooked. Some types of cereals should be soaked overnight (for example, peas, beans, and other legumes).

After adding the cereal, reduce the heat and stir the contents of the pan regularly. Otherwise, porridge can burn, and this will spoil the taste of the dish. You should also pay attention if your dog has a predisposition to overweight, and you want to cook food for dogs, it is best to minimize the amount of cereal.

Most dogs puppy prefers slightly warm food, so it’s better to slightly warm the soup before feeding.

Dry industrial feed. The most important advantage of industrial feed is a balanced content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The quality of feed is divided into several classes: economy, premium, super-premium, and holistic. The best food is considered a class holistic. In the manufacture of it, carefully selected ingredients are added, which are in no way inferior in quality to the products used by humans.

The benefits of purchased feed are obvious:

  • saving time and effort
  • variety of tastes
  • Best for dog health and breed
  • Healthy puppy
  • You can choose the ideal food for your pet’s body (depending on the breed, taste preferences, level of physical activity, as well as a predisposition to certain diseases - a series of therapeutic feeds have been developed for this purpose).

However, it should be borne in mind that dogs often suffer from food allergies. It is necessary to accustom to a new dog food gradually, consistently.

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