Basset Hound dog history, characteristics of the breed, breed information, price cost, description, personality, teaching, common diseases and care.

Basset Hound


Breed of dog’s basset-hound - very recognizable, these dogs cannot be confused with others. Their low growth, extremely long ears, leisurely demeanor, and folds on the face are familiar to many on various films, cartoons, and television series.

As an example, we can give everyone known Lieutenant Colombo from the eponymous television series, and his dog named "Dog" (dog - a great name for a dog, is not it?). This basset hound was lazy, possessed of independent character and kind nature. This breed originated in France, however, modern bassets are somewhat different, as they were bred separately, from the French individuals brought to England.

The French ancestors of modern Bassets came from laconic dogs, which in turn led to the emergence of the hounds of St. Hubert around the 10th century AD, through long breeding in the monastery of St. Hubert. They were described as having a beautiful scent, with short legs, large and slow dogs with a small head (in modern bassets, on the contrary, the head is not small).

These dogs successfully lived and developed, having success with the French aristocracy until the 19th century. The most famous regal lover of this breed - Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who even ordered to make several sculptures of his dog's breed Basset Hound.

Targeted breeding in France began around the 1870s, and at the same time, several individuals were transported to England, where breeders began their own breeding program. They crossed the French basset-hound with blood hounded through in vitro fertilization. They interbred the dogs with the French bassets, resulting in a clear standard of breed around 1895. This standard was updated in 2010.

 Characteristics of the breed

popularity                                           08/10

training                                                01/10

size                                                        05/10

mind                                                     01/10

protection                                          02/10

Relationships with children         10/10

Dexterity                                             03/10


Breed information


United Kingdom, France


10-13 years old


Males: 30-38
cm Bitches: 28-36 cm


Males: 25-34
kg Suki: 20-29 kg




tricolor (white, orange, and brown) or two-color (white and orange)


300 - 800 $


The basset hound dog should be no more than 36 cm tall - this is the official standard of the breed. The neck is long, the head is large, the skin on the muzzle sags and has folded, the ears are long, sometimes can almost reach the ground (if the neck is lowered to the level with the spine). The tail is additionally long, set high on top of the rear, the paws are short. The physique is large, they are prone to excess weight, the torso is elongated. The color typically consists of 2 or 3 colors - white, brown, black.


Kind, friendly, physically not able to hurry anywhere - it's the dog's basset hound. They have a really peculiar character - on the one hand, these dogs are famous for his or her gentleness, kindness, and obedience, on the opposite, generally, they'll be associate degree examples of stubbornness and independence. Moreover, it is not the only heredity that plays a role - a lot depends on the owner and whether he will be able to build the right relationship with his pet.

The breed basset hound because of the features of the physique is little adapted to any serious activity, although, their French ancestors were often used precisely for hunting. Modern bassets for this purpose are used very rarely, for security functions, as you know, they are also useless to use. Although, they can raise the alarm, as they love barking (and often can even how much for fun) and in general can react quite violently to unexpected sounds or strangers who they did not like.

However, basically, the dogs of the basset hound breed are brought in as a companion and friend for the whole family - they are great for children, interesting, inquisitive, love to be among people and generally like to feel in the spotlight. Children are perceived perfectly, very patient, and tolerant in communication with them.

Despite short paws and slowness, love walks, games, well perceive other pets. with Cats, they are better to introduce at an early age if you assume finding a cat together with the dog at home. Internal independence does not prevent them from being heavily attached to their family, although they can spend part of the day alone.



Basset Hound dogs are usually used as a pet, companion, and therefore do not need training in complex teams. If the pet has a stubborn character, which is often the case, the main thing that the owner needs to achieve - obedience. To do this, you need to have a strong will, and a huge amount of patience, because with the Bassets the use of brute force, beatings, constant shouting, and psychological pressure are unacceptable.

You need to use trainer techniques and tricks such as encouragement and covert manipulation. The latter means, for example, that if a dog wants to walk or play with you, let it know that you will meet after the task. In this case, put the leash in a prominent place and repeat the command. The job can be complicated by introducing distractions and increasing the distance between you and your pet.



Basset-hound requires regular combing of wool once a week, and also, you will have to carefully examine his ears and 2-3 times a week to clean them from the contaminants. After all, the air under the ears practically does not circulate, which contributes to the emergence of various infections and the reproduction of bacteria.

In the corners of the dog's mouth also accumulates mucus, which must be cleaned from time to time, because it does not dry completely because of what there is formed a pathogenic microflora. Another problem place is the eyes. Because of the sagging skin, they are stuffed with dust and dirt, because the eyes need to be cleaned at least once a day, or even two. The claws are trimmed every 10 days, the animal is bathed 1-2 times a week.


Common Diseases

The breed of basset-hound dogs has a number of diseases related to their body structure, in addition, there are hereditary diseases.

  • gastric dilational volvulus also called bloating or stomach twist, sometimes popularly it is also called the spell of the intestines;
  • von Willebrand's disease is a hereditary disease that causes blood clotting problems;
  • Prostate - also called stray or transient lame;
  • glaucoma;
  • local dislocation of the kneecap;
  • homeopathy;
  • problems with eyelids and eyelashes;
  • Intervertebral disc disease - Basset Hounds are particularly prone to problems with the spine. This can be due to genetics, wrong movement, fall, jumping from the furniture.
  • ear infections;
  • Obesity
  • hip dysplasia;
  • cherry eye.

Interesting Facts

  • Basset Hound excretes too much drool. Because of the loose skin around your mouth, they tend to make a real mess when drinking or eating.
  • Obesity is a real problem for a basset. They like to eat and often overeat if they have the opportunity.
  • Basset Hound dogs are not very good swimmers, so watch them near the ponds so they don't get into trouble.

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